Skylights are special type of window constituted in the roof or attic to allow natural light to directly come inside your house. These are made up of glass or acrylic that has its weaknesses and strengths. Aside from adding beauty into your rooms, this is also known to conserve the energy consumption in your place which plays a great reduction in your electrical bill, depending on the type of skylight use. 

There are many different types of skylights. First is the ventilating skylight which is commonly used in the kitchen and bathroom area. This can be open that allow air to pass through which is highly efficient in ventilation. This is beneficial during hot season. Second is the fixed skylight, that can’t be open. It is large in size which is intended to add light to your room. This is highly recommended in large rooms. Lastly, is the tubular skylight. These are smaller in sizes, approximately 10-14 inches. This is intended for small rooms or hallway and desirable on natural light rather than heat transfer.

You also want to see to it on what materials it is made of. What is it made of? This are commonly made with single pane glass and plastic gazing, but the solar heat control gazing is more efficient. Efficacy matters and you want to end up with the quality one. 

Residential skylights suit best for stargazers. It is said to add light to dark areas and places. This type of window can be open which allows fresh air to enter your room. Residential skylights vary in sizes and shapes. There are square, rectangle and the flat ones, which are commonly used. There are also dome in shape. These dome skylights are lighter in weight which needs little maintenance or no maintenance at all. They are perfect in extreme temperatures since energy transfer is kept to a minimum. You can choose for a single, double, or triple dome, but if you want energy efficiency only double and triple dome are considered. Dome skylights are suitable for any type of roof, especially on the flat ones because of the self cleaning ability of the dome since it shed water faster. The water quickly flows off the surface. This dome has the ability to gather light from many angles. If you prefer a dome that can illuminate your room, the acrylic dome is the best for you, but if you want a more gentle lighting effect a white or a bronze acrylic dome can be your choice. It has the ability in softening the light and eliminates the glare in your rooms. This is appropriate for light sensitive individual. To sum it all, this dome skylight is your best option for energy efficiency and ability to illuminate light that can last in a long run.

Another thing that you consider is the sky replacement dome. You have to consider the cleanliness of your dome. There are steps or procedure that you can do by your own or you can also purchase a sky replacement dome, just contact any of your local distributors.